June 30, 2011
This catalyst paper offers a conceptual framework for connecting a set of conversations about change in higher education that often proceed separately but need to be brought together to gain traction within both the institutional and national policy arenas.
February 28, 2010
In 2001, a group of University of Michigan undergraduates spent much of an icy winter well away from the comforts of their Ann Arbor campus. Instead, they were conducting research in senior centers and community centers around the Michigan Central Railroad Station, a key transit point for the Great Migration.
September 30, 2009
Imagining America‘s 2008 Curriculum Project comprehensively documents the current state of engaged scholarship in the arts and proposes guidelines that embody the key values and principles derived from the breadth of the study.
May 15, 2008
The Imagining America Tenure Team Initiative (TTI) was inspired by faculty members who want to do public scholarship and live to tell the tale.