Democratically Engaged Assessment: Reimagining the Purposes and Practices of Assessment in Community Engagement
by Imagining America’s Assessing Practices of Public Scholarship (APPS) Research Group
Since 2010, APPS has been working to reimagine and nurture cultures of assessment, particularly using an integrated approach to assessing the practices of public scholarship that brings together multiple voices, values, and methods. Our inquiry has led us to develop what we call Democratically Engaged Assessment (DEA).
“DEA is an orientation to and framework for assessment that is explicitly grounded in, informed by, and in dialogue with the contested values and commitments of democratic civic engagement. It is a framework developed by the APPS collective to give us the tools, orientation, and commitment to the capacity of assessment to transform and empower.“
Check out the DEA page more information on the research group, and download the 2018 white paper for in-depth exploration of the framework, thinking, and “found pilots” to support the model.
cite as : Bandy, J., Price, M. F., Clayton, P. H., Metzker, J., Nigro, G., Stanlick, S., Etheridge Woodson, S., Bartel, A., & Gale, S. (2018). Democratically engaged assessment: Reimagining the purposes and practices of assessment in community engagement. Davis, CA: Imagining America.
Inspired by IA action research findings, the Public Scholar Conversation Cards and Organizing Culture Change Imagination Guide are pedagogic tools to inspire reflection and action.